
#267 Another Candidate Signs the FAIRtax Pledge
The FAIRtax Guys continue to highlight the wise decision by Congressional candidates to sign the FAIRtax Candidate's Pledge. Read More.
#266 Complexity Leads To Fraud
While exploring for the latest tax change proposals, one thing is clear - our Byzantine income tax system grows more convoluted every day. Read More.
#265 The First FAIRtax Pledgee
Marissa Selvig is the first candidate for a federal office (WY-01) in this election cycle to sign the Candidate's FAIRtax Pledge. In an interview, she explains why the FAIRtax is an important part of her campaign. And who is the latest Representative to cosponsor HR 25? All this and more in this week's FAIRtax Power Radio. Read More.
#264 Census Result: Lower Taxes, More People
It's back: The tax proposal to modify the definition of municipal solid waste plus other nonsense Congress wants to put in our tax code. The result is . . . Read More.
#263​ Five Candidates Sign the FAIRtax Pledge
The FAIRtax Guys were recently invited to present to new candidates running for office in the 2022 and 2024 elections. Watch this episode and get to know these five forward thinking political candidates who signed the FAIRtax pledge. Read More.
#262​ FAIRtax Passes: What Is America's Response
Jade Walle, CPA, describes the very positive changes the FAIRtax will bring to our society. Imagine, if you will, a tax plan that boosts the private sector, creates millions of jobs, helps clean up the environment, restores freedoms, and improves life for minorities. Read More.
#261​ Corporate Taxes: A Congressional Obsession
Of the nearly 450 proposed changes to the tax code, how many of them involved corporate taxes? Is it a good idea to require a $15 minimum wage AND increase corporate taxes simultaneously? What percentage of federal revenues come from corporate taxes? What is the relationship between corporate taxes and annual federal revenues? The FAIRtax Guys address these burning questions. Read More.
#260​ Tax Troubles Today
After responding to a question from a viewer The FAIRtax Guys turn their attention to recent news reports which illustrate the serious problems with the current tax system and how the FAIRtax will fix these problems and make life better for all American citizens. Read More.
#259​ Putting the Squeeze on HR 25
The FAIRtax Guys continue with the Key Points Summary of HR 25, The FairTax Act of 2021 written by Kerry Bowers. Read More.
#258 HR 25 in Thirteen Pages or Less
The FAIRtax Guys review a document, written by Kerry Bowers, that condenses the 130 plus pages of HR 25 to a plain English, easy to understand summary of only 13 pages. Read More.
#257 Tax Payer to IRS: Keep the $285,000
The FAIRtax Guys respond to several viewer questions and suggestions which help to further point out the advantages of the FAIRtax. Also, the IRS wants to refund $285K to a taxpayer who says "No, please don't do it!" But will they listen? More income tax madness on display. Read More.
#256 Relative Purchasing Power
In responding to a question from one of their viewers, The FAIRtax Guys investigate where the figure of 22% compliance costs came from. Read More.
#255 The Young and the Relentless
In this second part of their report from CPAC, The FAIRtax Guys' interviews include two youth oriented organizations that seek to give college age people a pro-American view. Read More.
#254 Spreading the FAIRtax at CPAC
Taking advantage of the relocation of CPAC to Orlando, FL this year, The FAIRtax Guys put themselves right in the middle of the action. Read More.
#253 Lunch and Taxes
The FAIRtax Guys use five short videos produced by FAIRtax supporter Paul Wizikowski to demonstrate the important differences between the income tax and the FAIRtax. Read More.

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