Many of us went to the showing of UnFair at a local theater. Some
of the theaters were full and others were not, but generally the
reaction was positive. Read More.
Even when no primaries or elections are taking place, it is hard
to penetrate the “noise” in D.C. In the mid 1990’s, I was
privileged to meet with former Senator Russell Long. Read More.
Because the FAIRtax does not “pre-tax” consumption like the
existing income and payroll taxes do, the shoppers go to the
store with not 65% to 75% of their earnings to spend because of
withholding, but with 100% of their paycheck except for any state
deductions. Read More.
The media, both liberal and conservative, is proclaiming that
there will be “tax reform” in 2017. Many Members of Congress,
both liberal and conservative, have announced that there will be
“tax reform” in 2017. Read More.