Today, we continue a series of articles about handling attacks on the FAIRtax. . We often hear that the FAIRtax will add a new sales tax on goods and services that have never been taxed before. Read More.
Tennessee Grassroots Leader Dr. Tony Urbanek is busy running several businesses, but that activity does not stop him from working to make the FAIRtax happen. Read More.
Switzerland and Germany have a Debt Brake—something most people in the United States have never heard of. So just what is this Debt Brake, how does it work, and what does it have to do with the FAIRtax?
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Switzerland and Germany have a Debt Brake—something most people in the United States have never heard of. So just what is this Debt Brake, how does it work, and what does it have to do with the FAIRtax?
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